4 Qul

4 Qul are very sacred surahs of the Holy Quran. Although there are several duas, 4 Qul are the best remedy for the evil eye (نظر بد), black magic (کالا جادو), and other evil castings. Always recite 4 Qul with perfect belief and trust in Allah (SWT) in the following way to get actual benefits.

  • Firtst of all observe ablution
  • Recite Tawuz (تعوذ)
  • Recite Tasmiya (تسمیہ)
  • Recite Darood Sharif at least once
  • Recite each Qul 3 times
  • At the end recite Darood Sharif again at least once

Surah Kafiroon (First Qul)

Surah Al-Kafiroon, also known as Surah 109 in the Quran, is a short chapter consisting of 6 verses. It was revealed in Mecca and is classified as a Meccan surah. The name “Al-Kafiroon” translates to “The Disbelievers” or “The Unbelievers.” This surah addresses the concept of monotheism and the rejection of polytheism.

  • Surah Number: 109
  • Total Number of Ayat: 6
  • Makki / Madni: Makki
surah kafiroon (Pehla Qul)
Qul yaa ayyuhal kaafiroonSay, “O disbelievers,
Laa a’budu maa ta’buduunI do not worship what you worship.
Wa laa antum ‘aabiduuna maa a’budNor are you worshippers of what I worship.
Wa laa ana ‘aabidum maa ‘abattumNor will I be a worshipper of what you worship
Wa laa antum ‘aabiduuna maa a’budNor will you be worshippers of what I worship
Lakum deenukum wa liya deenFor you is your religion, and for me is my religion.

Surah Ikhlas (Second Qul)

Surah Al-Ikhlas, also known as Surah 112 in the Quran, is one of the shortest chapters in the Quran, consisting of only four verses. It is a Meccan surah, meaning it was revealed in Mecca during the early period of Muhammad’s prophethood.

  • Surah Number: 112
  • Total Number of Ayat: 4
  • Makki / Madni: Makki
Surah Ikhlas دوسراا قل
Qul huwal laahu ahadSay, “He is Allah, [who is] One
Allahus SamadAllah, the Eternal Refuge
Lam yalid wa lam yooladHe neither begets nor is born
Wa lam yakul lahu kufuwan ahadNor is there to Him any equivalent

Surah Falaq (Third Qul)

Surah Al-Falaq, also known as Surah 113 in the Quran, is a short chapter consisting of only 5 verses. It is a Meccan surah, meaning it was revealed in Mecca during the early period of Muhammad’s prophethood.

  • Surah Number: 113
  • Total Number of Ayat: 5
  • Makki / Madni: Makki
Surah Falak تیسرا قل
Qul a’oozu bi rabbil falaqSay, “I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak
Min sharrima khalaqFrom the evil of that which He created
Wa min sharri gaasiqin izaa waqabAnd from the evil of darkness when it settles
Wa min sharrin naffaasaati fil ‘uqadAnd from the evil of the blowers in knots
Wa min sharri haasidin izaa hasadAnd from the evil of an envier when he envies

Surah Naas (4th Qul)

Surah Al-Nas, also known as Surah 114 in the Quran, is the last chapter of the Quran. It consists of 6 verses and is a Meccan surah, revealed during the early period of Hazrat Muhammad’s(صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ و اصحابہ وسلم) prophethood in Mecca.

  • Surah Number: 114
  • Total Number of Ayat: 6
  • Makki / Madni: Makki
Surah Naas چوتھا قل
Qul a’oozu bi rabbi-naasSay, “I seek refuge in the Lord of human beings
Malikin-naasThe Sovereign of human beings
Ilahin-naasThe God of human beings
Min sharril waswaasil khannaasFrom the evil of the whisperer who withdraws
Allazee yuwaswisu fee sudoorin naasAmong jinn and human beings
Minal jinnati wan-naasAmong jinn and human beings


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